Announced by Communication Lusaka East District on Apr 17 2014

1. The Pathfinder Camporee began last Sunday 13th April and its going on up to 20th April, 2014 in Livingstone at LBES College. Note: Due to this Camporee the 
Pathfinder skills camp scheduled to take place on 27th April 2014 at Kyindu Primary School in Palabana has been put off.

2. All speakers for the past Youth week of prayer are requested without fail to submit the week of prayer reports to the Adventist youth Federation Secretary by
Sunday the 20th April 2014.

3. This is to notify all Church Treasurers , Company Treasurers and Admin Elders that the Lusaka Conference Auditing Department will be auditing your churches and
companies between 21st April to 4th May 2014. We have proposed Monday 21st April as a day when all documents and books needed for auditing should be submitted
in person to us at Mtendere Main Church and for interviews to enable us acquaint ourselves with the treasury work in your churches. This should be between 09:00hrs
and 13:00hrs.The documents required are tabulated in the memo that has been given to all company an church treasurers.

4. The Elder's workshop which was scheduled to take place on Monday 21st April 2014 according to the Pastor's itinerary has been postphoned to a later date to be

5. There will be a big Sabbath at government complex on 26th April 2014 from 0800hrs to 16hrs. To attend are the following singing groups (i) Joy Bells of Helen Kaunda
(ii) Kings Royal Cords of Kalingalinga and (iii) Beulah Land of Mtendere Main.

6. The Lusaka Conference Dorcas rally at Muluse Camping Site starts tomorrow Sunday 20th to 27th April, 2014. All Dorcas mothers are encouraged to prepare and

7. Literature Evangelism Rally will start on April 19, 2014. Venue and date to be communicated.

8. SOP Week of Prayer will start tomorrow Sunday April 20th to 26th, 2014 in all Churches.

9. Money for Great Hope Books to be deposited together with trust funds clearly indicating “Great Hope”

10. The Adventist Youth Federation is now offering free tuitions for grades 10, 11 and 12 at Mtendere South SDA Church. The schedules shall be Mondays, Tuesdays and
Thursdays 16hrs -1745. On Sundays, classes will begin at 08hrs.All are welcome.

11. The Youth Missionary Camp to be held in Kyindu earlier on announced to take place from 8th to 18th May 2014 has been moved forward to 8th to 17th, August 2014.
Missionary volunteers are encouraged to register their interests to attend with the Youth Secretary.